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The auto industry is key for the Spanish economy both in terms of job creation and in tax revenue from car sales, toll roads, parking and gasoline. To spur investment, the government has passed reforms making it easier for companies to cut wages and reorganize staff. That has spurred carmakers Ford Motor Co, PSA Peugeot Citroen and Renault to boost production in Spain. [url=http://www.pointerstock.com/login.php] [/url] Nielsen's online survey was conducted last year, covering 30,000 consumers in 60 countries with more than 500 in China. [url=http://www.rectichrome.fr/config.asp?chaussures-louboutin-femmes-pas-cher/]chaussures louboutin femmes pas cher[/url] But exports to India, the United States and Japan fell by 3-4 percent each.

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Haitong Securities lost 2.1 percent to 10.99 yuan. CITIC Securities shed 1.2 percent to 10.88 yuan. Southwest Securities Co slumped 3.8 percent to 9.01 yuan. China's economic recovery appeared weaker than expected. The gross domestic product expanded 7.7 percent from a year earlier in the first quarter, moderating from a pace of 7.9 percent in the final quarter of 2012. [url=http://www.cabas-sac.com/conn.asp?zanotti-sneakers/]zanotti sneakers[/url] European leaders have insisted the raid on big bank deposits in Cyprus is a one-off in their handling of a debt crisis that refuses to be contained.
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