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The sub-index for new export orders fell for the first time this year to 48.4 fr om 50.5 in March, suggesting that sluggish demand in the eurozone and the United States may threaten China's economic recovery. [url=http://www.fromages-laqueuille.fr/produte.asp?air-max-pas-cher/]air max pas cher[/url] Ultra-low interest rates and abundant liquidity under the loose global monetary environment have exposed emerging markets to risks of all kinds, including bursting of asset-price bubbles, greater volatilities of stock prices and exchange rates and intensified inflation pressure, Tsang said. Growth in food production has slowed over the past 10 years even as increasing incomes in developing countries boosted consumption, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. [url=http://www.hotel-auvergne-saintroch.com/conn.asp?magasin-hollister/]magasin hollister[/url] In doing so, it would participate "in global efforts to combat tax avoidance and evasion by cooperating with other states in the assessment and collection of taxes." The convention is a framework for the sharing of banking data and ultimately aims to have banks automatically supply information to a country on the accounts of its nationals. [url=http://www.clower.co.uk/uploadedimages/login.asp?hollister-sale-uk/]hollister sale uk[/url] A seasonal shortage of liquidity in mid and late September is likely to weigh on the market, said Qi Li, analyst with Western Securities.
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Smith said the FTZ in Shanghai could be a direct competitor to Hong Kong but that depends on how loose the rules will be. [url=http://www.raethllc.com/error.php] [/url] "(Li's) remarks helped stabilize the pessimistic expectations in the market," Sinolink Securities analyst Tao Jinggang said. "There are also expectations for stimulus policies in railway construction." [url=http://www.rectichrome.fr/config.asp?louboutin-pas-cher/]louboutin pas cher[/url] Also yesterday, the BOKs data showed yuan deposits in the South Koreas banking sector beat a landmark 20 percent of the total foreign currency deposits for the first time in June.

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